Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
1A study using Historical Evidence, Myth and Geophysical Modeling to assess the tectonic Movement and to evaluate the risks associated with the Odisha Coastal ‘Heritage’ Belt
Odisha’s coastal belt has one of the richest heritage sites of the world. Recently, there has been disturbing reports about the tilting of the structures and rapid coastal erosion along this belt. History, myths and other evidences also suggest extinction, shift, and creation of rivers, lakes, hills, coasts, etc. in these areas. This needs serious investigation through geophysical methods vis-à-vis historical, mythical and archeological evidences to assess the disaster-proneness and corresponding risks related to the human livelihood. This study will be useful to take appropriate measures for preserving some of the finest monuments of the world. The Project will explore:
1. Historical and mythical investigation to assess the existence (if any) of ancient river system, mountains, etc. such as Chandrabhaga and Saradha, NilaShaila and other such historical/ mythical landmarks
2. Large-scale and high-resolution surface/shallow-surface geophysical measurements and data collection using GPR, Gravity, Magnetic and remote sensing approaches along this belt
3. Deep surface measurement and data collection using seismic survey
4. Shallow surface and deep surface data driven modeling of the tectonics and hydrology
5. LASER guided survey of the old and new structures
6. Validation of the myths with respect to the scientific evidences using Machine Learning and Data Analytics
7. Risk assessment with respect to the economic livelihood in the event of possible hazards
Principal Investigator (s)
William K. Mohanty
Aurobindo Routray, Priyadarshi Patnaik, N. C. Nayak, Saibal Gupta, Joy Sen, B. S. Das
A Geo-explorative study of Chandraketugarh, interface of W Bengal -Bangladesh
A Geo-archaeological study of Chandraketugarh, interface of W Bengal -Bangladesh
Chandraketugarh is an archaeological site located beside the Bidyadhari river, about 35 km north-east of Kolkata, India. Years of excavation (1940s - till date) have revealed relics of several historical periods, although the chronological classification of the relics remains incomplete. There is a connection with the wider range of things of Ancient Tamralipta (in Kalinga, i.e., south of Anga, one of the 16 Mahajanapadas mentioned in texts around the time of the Buddha and Mahavira). Finds are dated from about 400 BC to 100 BC and approximately contemporary with the Mauryan period, as well as from the more recent Kushanas and Gupta periods. According to some historians, the Chandraketugarh site and surrounding area could be the place known to ancient Greek and Roman writers (Megasthenes, Ptolemy and others) as 'Gangaridai'. It is important to explore the region in and around Chandraketugarh and establish its relevance in the scientific building of Indian history.
To conduct a re-explorative GIS based documentation and re-interpretation study of the archaeology – architecture and iconography of: Chandraketugrah, East of Kolkata: as a potential site of current and future excavation for re-interpreting the chronology of Indian history (500 BC – 500 AD) based on the textual insights by a) Megasthenes b) Ptolemy and c) Huen Tsang – how Indian sub-continental historical analyses can be streamlined and re-established through a reformulated methodological framework using Geological tools?
Principal Investigator (s)
Arindam Basu,
Abhijit Mukherjee, Probal Sengupta, Joy Sen,
Principal Investigator (s)
Joy Sen, Sanghamitra Basu
Arindam Basu, Abhijit Mukherjee, Priyadarshi Patnaik
A Geo-explorative study of Pushpagiri (Ratnagiri-Lalitagiri-Udaygiri Complex)
A Geo-archaeological study of Pushpagiri (Ratnagiri-Lalitagiri-Udaygiri Complex)
The monastery complex region in Jajpur district of Odisha is also a part of the ancient Viraja-Kshetra (Shakti-pitha) and incidentally a region where monastic life and meditation studies grew hand in hand with worldly arts, sciences and the worship of Shakti cult. Excavation conducted by Archaeological Survey of India during 1960's yielded the remains of impressive monasteries in Odisha, coinciding with the records of Huen Tsang. Ratnagiri and Lalitagiri were a great Tantric center of Buddhism comparable to that of Nalanda in Bihar with deeper connections with Shaivism of Kashmir and Tibetan Buddhism and a wider connection with the spread of Indian architectural ethos in SE Asia, as a whole.
To conduct a re-explorative GIS based documentation and re-interpretation study of the archaeology – architecture and iconography of Pushpagiri-Lalitagiri-Vajragiri-Ratnagiri monastic complex region of Orissa based on the textual insights by a) Megasthenes b) Ptolemy and c) Huen Tsang – how Indian sub-continental historical analyses can be re-established through a reformulated methodological framework using Geological tools and its greater connections with NW India (Kamboja) and SE Asian frontiers (Cambodia and others) can be re-established?
• To document extensively the expanse of the region based on existing work already done
• To explore archaeological, ethnological and anthropological base of the findings and relate it to iconographic and historical interpretations
• To develop working models of further archaeological and geo-exploratory works to date the true chronology of the spot
To earmark an ancient continuity of Vedic and tantric traditions as evident from studies on iconography and ethnography based on Investigation which will be conducted from perspectives of geophysical survey, hydrogeology and engineering geology combining to geo-archaeology of the ancient architectural and settlement planning patterns, techniques and intentions.
Principal Investigator (s)
Probal Sengupta
Arindam Basu, Abhijt Mukherjee, Joy Sen
Principal Investigator (s)
Joy Sen, Priyadarshi Patnaik
Co-PIs N. C. Nayak, Probal Sengupta, Arindam Basu