Four Themes
The organizational framework of the Center called 'SANDHI' will be steered by an Apex Committee headed by the competent authority of IIT Kharagpur, and supported by distinguished experts and representatives from the MHRD, Government of India. The Apex Committee will be formed of the Director, IIT Kharagpur, as Chairman of the Committee; Dean (SRIC) and Associate Dean (SRIC), who will jointly – I) coordinate and oversee all projects in consultation with the Overall Coordinator of 'SANDHI' from the aggregate level; ii) apportion funds from various sources; and iii) inter-link key coordinators across various concerns (having a seed concern or theme); and a key coordinator and his team of other principal investigators of various projects under Sandhi will monitor and outreach each and every project at the student-centric and people-centric levels.

Deep science projects | Deep ecology and culture studies projects | Deep exploratory projects |
Creative Economy regeneration projects
Creative Economy regeneration projects