Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Sanskrit is not only a classical language but also a repository of Indian cultural heritage. Sanskrit is the most ancient among the languages of the world featuring the crown and the evolution of the Indo-European tree of language systems. Varanasi presents an unique storehouse of knowledge, which is unrivaled and one of the most invaluable treasures of the world. Sanskrit language is a symbol of Indian tradition and thought, which has exhibited full freedom in the search of truth. The most interesting aspect of Sanskrit language in Varanasi is a true example of Guru-Shishya tradition, which has helped in the growth and development of Sanskrit language. The legends of Adi Shankaracharya and Sri Krishna Chaitanya are just to name a few of the greatest of all traditions.
The Sampurnanand Sanskrit University was set up at Varanasi to keep intact the traditional scholarship and to strike a balance between India and western outlooks and to conduct research and to study various aspects of culture and spiritual literature. The name of Mahopadhyay Dr. Gopinath Kobiraj is of utmost importance in this context. Over a period of time, this university has contributed towards the development of Sanskrit language by taking up the study and research on Vedas, Vedanta Purana, Ayurveda, Sahitya, Astrology, Theology, Mimamsa, Nyaya, and others.
The Sampurnanad Sanskrit University has also played an important role in the development of Sanskrit language through translation and publication of specific texts as well cataloguing of manuscripts. It has also coordinated the oriental and occidental currents of thoughts, while preserving the ancient Indian tradition. It has helped in the grooming up of new and talented scholars who are well versed in the knowledge of traditional Sanskrit and fully acquainted with modern thoughts and are capable of carrying on comparative study on modern lines.